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AI Skills Fest Global Reactor Sessions

Join Microsoft Reactor and engage with developers, entrepreneurs, and startups live

Ready to get started with AI and the latest technologies? Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help developers, entrepreneurs and startups build on AI technology and more. Join us!

AI Skills Fest Global Reactor Sessions

Join Microsoft Reactor and engage with developers, entrepreneurs, and startups live

Ready to get started with AI and the latest technologies? Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help developers, entrepreneurs and startups build on AI technology and more. Join us!

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AI Skills Fest Global Reactor Sessions

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Intelligent Applications, Using AI Products, Core AI

Language: English, Hebrew, Portuguese, Chinese Simplified, Spanish

  • Events in this Series:
  • 6

We’re excited to announce the Microsoft AI Skills Fest, a global event this April and May, designed to bring learners across the globe together to build their AI skills, from beginner explorers to the technologically gifted. Together, we can learn a new AI skill and maybe even set a groundbreaking record at the same time!

Register for one of our dedicated local language and local timezone live learning sessions today by clicking "details" below! Learn more about the AI Skills Fest on the TechCommunity blog.

Upcoming Events

Click on an event below to learn more and register for individual events.

All times in - Coordinated Universal Time





Bengaluru | Building Applications with GitHub Copilot Agent Mode

5:30 AM - 6:30 AM (UTC)

This Learn Live offers a hands-on introduction to GitHub Copilot's powerful agent mode capabilities. Participants will experience firsthand how this advanced AI coding assistant can transform the development workflow by: Autonomously iterating on code to improve functionality Identifying and fixing errors without manual intervention Suggesting relevant terminal commands for execution Analyzing runtime errors with built-in self-healing capabilities Through guided exercises, attendees will rapidly develop a complete application by leveraging Copilot's agent mode to establish a development environment, install dependencies, create necessary files, and run/test the application code. This workshop demonstrates how AI-assisted development can dramatically reduce development time while maintaining code quality.

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Intelligent Applications

Language: English






ANZ | Building Applications with GitHub Copilot Agent Mode

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM (UTC)

This Learn Live offers a hands-on introduction to GitHub Copilot's powerful agent mode capabilities. Participants will experience firsthand how this advanced AI coding assistant can transform the development workflow by: Autonomously iterating on code to improve functionality Identifying and fixing errors without manual intervention Suggesting relevant terminal commands for execution Analyzing runtime errors with built-in self-healing capabilities Through guided exercises, attendees will rapidly develop a complete application by leveraging Copilot's agent mode to establish a development environment, install dependencies, create necessary files, and run/test the application code. This workshop demonstrates how AI-assisted development can dramatically reduce development time while maintaining code quality.

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Using AI Products

Language: English






Tel Aviv | Building Applications with GitHub Copilot Agent Mode

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (UTC)

This Learn Live offers a hands-on introduction to GitHub Copilot's powerful agent mode capabilities. Participants will experience firsthand how this advanced AI coding assistant can transform the development workflow by: Autonomously iterating on code to improve functionality Identifying and fixing errors without manual intervention Suggesting relevant terminal commands for execution Analyzing runtime errors with built-in self-healing capabilities Through guided exercises, attendees will rapidly develop a complete application by leveraging Copilot's agent mode to establish a development environment, install dependencies, create necessary files, and run/test the application code. This workshop demonstrates how AI-assisted development can dramatically reduce development time while maintaining code quality.

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Core AI

Language: Hebrew






GitHub Copilot:智能体觉醒——使用 GitHub Copilot Agent Mode 构建应用程序

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM (UTC)

GitHub Copilot Agent Mode 是 AI 辅助编码的最新进化,作为自主的编程助手,可以根据我们的指令执行多步骤的编码任务——分析代码库、读取相关文件、提出文件编辑建议、运行终端命令和测试等,能够响应编译和 lint 错误,监控终端和测试输出,并在循环中自动纠正,直到任务完成。 4月8日,微软高级云技术布道师卢建晖将带来线上 GitHub Copilot Agent Mode 动手实践分享,带我们亲身感受这一先进的 AI 编程助手如何彻底改变开发工作流程。 本次线上直播分享内容将包含: 自主迭代代码以优化功能 自动识别并修复错误,无需人工干预 智能推荐相关终端命令以便执行 分析运行时错误,并利用内置的自愈能力进行修复 欢迎加入我们,跟随卢老师一起掌握如何利用 GitHub Copilot Agent Mode,从搭建开发环境、安装依赖项、创建必要文件、运行测试应用代码,快速开发完整的应用程序,从而实现在 AI 辅助下,保证代码质量的同时,显著缩短开发时间。

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Core AI

Language: Chinese Simplified






GitHub Copilot: Creación de aplicaciones con el modo de agente de GitHub Copilot

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (UTC)

Este Learn Live ofrece una introducción práctica a las potentes capacidades del modo de agente de GitHub Copilot. Los participantes experimentarán de primera mano cómo este avanzado asistente de codificación de IA puede transformar el flujo de trabajo de desarrollo mediante: Iteración autónoma en el código para mejorar la funcionalidad Identificación y corrección de errores sin intervención manual Sugerir comandos de terminal relevantes para su ejecución Análisis de errores en tiempo de ejecución con capacidades integradas de auto-reparación A través de ejercicios guiados, los asistentes desarrollarán rápidamente una aplicación completa aprovechando el modo de agente de Copilot para establecer un entorno de desarrollo, instalar dependencias, crear los archivos necesarios y ejecutar/probar el código de la aplicación. Este taller demuestra cómo el desarrollo asistido por IA puede reducir drásticamente el tiempo de desarrollo mientras se mantiene la calidad del código.

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Using AI Products

Language: Spanish






GitHub Copilot: Construindo aplicativos com o modo de agente do GitHub Copilot

10:00 PM - 11:00 PM (UTC)

Este Learn Live oferece uma introdução prática aos poderosos recursos do modo agente do GitHub Copilot. Os participantes experimentarão em primeira mão como este assistente avançado de codificação de IA pode transformar o fluxo de trabalho de desenvolvimento por: Iterando autonomamente no código para melhorar a funcionalidade Identificando e corrigindo erros sem intervenção manual Sugerindo comandos de terminal relevantes para execução Analisando erros de tempo de execução com recursos de autocorreção integrados Por meio de exercícios guiados, os participantes desenvolverão rapidamente um aplicativo completo aproveitando o modo agente do Copilot para estabelecer um ambiente de desenvolvimento, instalar dependências, criar arquivos necessários e executar/testar o código do aplicativo. Este workshop demonstra como o desenvolvimento assistido por IA pode reduzir drasticamente o tempo de desenvolvimento, mantendo a qualidade do código.

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Intelligent Applications

Language: Portuguese



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