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Microsoft Reactor

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Ready to get started with AI?  Microsoft Reactor provides events, training, and community resources to help startups, entrepreneurs and developers build their next business on AI technology. Join us!

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Using Keyless Auth with Azure AI Services

2 July, 2024 | 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time

  • Format:
  • alt##LivestreamLivestream

Topic: Security

Language: English

Ready to go keyless and never worry about compromised keys again? All the Azure AI services support keyless authentication using role-based access control, making it possible for you to authenticate to the services with either your logged in local user identity or your deployed app's managed identity. We'll show you how to use keyless authentication with Azure OpenAI, demonstrating how to set up the access controls in the Portal, with the Azure CLI, or with infrastructure-as-code (Bicep). Then we'll connect to that Azure OpenAI service in our application code, using both the OpenAI SDK and the popular Langchain SDK. Our examples will be in Python, but you can use keyless auth with most modern OpenAI packages. Join us to go keyless today!

Part of our Reactor series on Securing AI Apps on Azure!


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